Episode 34 The Walt Disney Family Museum
A little peek inside The Walt Disney Family Museum.
The Key to The City of San Francisco, Presented to Mr. & Mrs. Walt Disney.
A Model T Ford Ambulance; the vehicle driven by Walt Disney while he was in the Red Cross.
“The day I got on that Santa Fe, California LTD. I was just free and happy. But I’d failed. I think it’s important to have a good hard failure when you’re young.”
The view from the train car elevator.
348 drawings from the cartoon Steamboat Willie, representing less than 15 seconds of film.
These “cells” were animated!
A drool worthy Mickey Mouse collection.
Pigments used in the Ink & Paint department.
Ink & Paint
“Donald’s Set.”
Looking down on the multi-plane camera from the second floor.
The 1941 strike.
“I have a cse of the DDs: Disappointment and Disillusionment.”
The documentary and propaganda films of the 40’s.
A bench from Griffith Park.
Circle Vision Camera.
The original model of Fantasyland Castle, by Marvid Davis, built by Fred Joerger, 1953.
A model of Disneyland, from Walt’s imagination.
Walt Disney
“Life is composed of lights and shadows, and we would be untruthful, insincere, and saccharine if we tried to pretend there were no shadows.”